21 January 2011

planning of the year!

konsert! konsert! konsert! and konsert!!
yeah am sure and am exhausted a konsert..
mmg dah lme x pegi konsert..n i want go! ;P

1) on 25th and 26th februari Maher zain live in KL so i will beli tiket yg below rm150 tp the problem is venue die so far lar weyh! Shah Alam kot..how2.tp xpek i think i amik date 26th then i tido rumah brother i acctually xdek la jauh sgt between shah alam and subang perdana and i overnight kat cna..hehehe k done!

2) justin bieber is coming to KL so i x akan miss kali nih sbb time konsert PARAMORE i xdpt nak follow sbb exam tp kali nih ade about 2 weeks before sumatif so i still pegi!! yeah! my life my ruine! heheheh...but the problem is the date is on 21st April which it jatuh on Thursday and tomorrow i got class..nak overnight ke? 4 sure konsert tuh abis midnight myb around 12am to 1am..so i nak merempat mne??..huhuhu lgpun train punye schedule last train on 11pm or 11.30pm klu xsilap i la from Bukit Jalil plak tuh..adoi!! how??..wuhuhu..i xnak miss lg..i dah already book tp belum paying lagi la..pasal payment pun satu hal..payment by credit card..mne i nak kebas kredit card??..adoi?..mhu tnye yg pkar nih..how meh? xpek2 KIV dlu...

3) nih bukan konsert tp mcm dah part of konsert jugakla sbb die melibatkan lot of crowded..heheh nak thu?? heheh jeng2 it is PIKOM @ PC Fair..date die 15th - 17th April 2011..yg nih mmg xdek hal sbb mmg i free and venue nye amat dekat saja KLCC sje..heheh pegi balik rm2 ONLY heheheh..jimat2..i nak beli PRINTER CANON..tuh pun if printer kat rumah i dpat beli external catrdige...

hmm...tp klu dipikrkan blik if i beli tiket konsert tuh sum up about rm300 i kene spend so mmg i kene ikat perut la nmpaknye..but then xpek cause i think Justin Bieber bleh tggu until FEB i think so lar.. and hrap2 tiket x sold out nnt..so this month punye salary i beli untuk Maher Zain dlu then next month i buy Justin punye..and about printer i kene beli external catridge tp klu i proceed Maher Zain mmg i xdpt so terpaksa la meminta bantuan dari PaMa a.k.a Papa and Mama.. ;)

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